where are you trying to get life?

We live in a culture, especially in New York City, that tells us the point of life is to go UP and IN: a successful life is about climbing up the ladder of career and financial achievement while getting deeper into the circles of power and status.

But Jesus taught the exact opposite: that the truly successful life isn’t about getting up and in, but rather going DOWN and OUT. He was always saying things like: the last will be first, the poor will be rich, the least will be greatest, and those who die to self will live.

Jesus was always calling his followers to be downwardly mobile, to use their gifts, money, and time not to serve themselves but others, and to go out in order to care for the poor and those on the edges.

This is really hard! But it becomes possible when we let what Jesus did for us melt our hearts. Jesus, the ultimate insider, left his comfortable and safe life in heaven to come to this earth, to humble Himself as a servant and ultimately give his life in exchange for ours. Because of this, we’ve been given all of his up-and-in privileges: we’re insiders in God’s family and have an eternal inheritance awaiting us.

Here’s two questions then to ask yourself:

  1. Am I living out of the eternal up-and-in life that Jesus has secured for me, or am I still trying to get it on my own?

  2. What would it look like for me to us my talents, resources, and status not for my own achievement and acclaim, but to follow Jesus down-and-out, so that others might experience the up-and-in of eternal life?


what do you really need in life?


the three stages of committing to a community