five reasons you’re not using your gifts

Every person has unique gifts that your community desperately needs you to use! Here are five reasons, though, that many of us struggle to use our gifts:

  1. We dislike our gifts: We grew up wanting gifts like THAT person, and when we realized we didn't get them, we became so frustrated we refused to accept the ones we do have.

  2. We deny our gifts: since gifting creates a responsibility to use them, we can deny our gifts because we're afraid it’ll be too hard or that we'll fail.

  3. We misuse our gifts: we selfishly think that the purpose of our gifts is to serve ourselves, not to serve others and help them solve their problems.

  4. We misdirect our gifts: we think we're responsible for our gifts, so we use them in ways and for things that bring us maximum glory, rather than directing the honor to the giver of our gifts, God.

  5. We abuse our gifts: it's so easy to understand our gifts and grow in them, but then always sell them to the highest bidder. While using your gifts to earn a living is great, the people who most need your gifts probably aren't going to be able to pay the most.

Every type of gift is important, so I hope you use this extra time to develop and hone the ones you have! God hasn't given you every gift, but He's given you what you need to obey His call on your life!


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