from setback to first step

During the last economic downturn, I'd just graduated from college and couldn't find a job anywhere. So with no other options, I walked into a Culver's (think midwestern fast food) and landed the coveted role of cashier at the whopping wage of $8/hour.

So while my friends from college were getting married, starting real jobs, and moving into nice apartments with all their wedding gifts, I lived with my parents and asked several hundred people a day what they'd like on their cheeseburger. Every night I'd drive home, with my mustard yellow uniform smelling like french fries and meat, wondering where my life was headed.

But while working at Culver's seemed like a major setback at the time, it was actually the first step to where I am today. I saved enough money during my four months working there to move to Pittsburgh and try out seminary. And it was during that first semester that God transformed my life, calling me into ministry, which eventually led to South Sudan, New York City, and to who I am today.

Many of you are going to be tempted to see this summer as wasted time, as a giant setback to your plans, your career, and your life. But I hope instead of wallowing in frustration, you'll use these months to build a step. A successful life doesn't happen through huge jumps, but by faithfully building little steps year after year after year.

Every time I'm home and drive by a Culver's, I'm thankful for that first step. I never could have imagined all of the things God had planned for me over these last 11 years, and I'm so glad I didn't give up before I'd even gotten started. That job wasn't fun or glamorous, but it was the catalyst that got my career started.

I hope you'll look around this summer and see where you can build a step, even if it's just a small one. You're called to walk by faith, not by sight, and to trust that God is going to use your faithfulness in the little things to direct you to better things. I know you’re on your way!


what actually is faith?


Jesus wants you to focus on one thing